Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I have crashed. I was on a knitting high feverishly creating a Caribbean ocean to wrap up in when the air conditioning got out of hand. I managed an entire sweater in less than 2 weeks from start to finish and now, oh now I have no motivation to do anything. It's weird to be so driven and then for that drive to just STOP! I know I am not the only one (although it sure feels like it.) It's highly frustrating! Just a late night before bed rant


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Lovely, lovely cardigan...Oh, how I love you!

This is the cardigan that I am so in love with, it started with the yarn and grew from there. The yarn is manos and the colors are way better in person. I just had to share this photo (even though it's not the best) because I am so happy to have this thing done!

All Done!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Hair cut

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm back!

Well, I've been away from the internet for a whole week. I went on a retreat and boy did I get some knitting done. I had this cardigan in mind to wear while I was there. Since I work well with deadlines I finished it the 2nd day I was there. I promise I will try to get some pictures up real soon, no really, I will. I also have my vest to show off. It has the ribbon closer on now and is suitable for pictures. I just need to get motivated to take them.

oooh I almost forgot, I went to threadbear in Lansing, MI and I almost fainted, really! I couldn't believe my eyes. I always new there was some yarn I had yet to see in A2 but had never come across. I just wish it wasn't so far away and that I had some $ to actually buy stuff. Oh well, but now I know where to go when I need a true yarn binge.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Man it's hot! But I love it! Thanks for the nice comments. The blue and pink yarns are 100% romney wool, the orange yarn is a wool/mohair blend and the spring green yarn is an 80% merino 20% silk mix.

It was my 31st B-day this weekend and so I have been busy doing well not much but working. I belong to these knitting groups but I am never hardly ever able to go Boo-Hoo. Working has been keeping me and I have not even been able to knit very much at all.

In a week I get to go on a retreat and I really hope that I will have gobs of time to knit, knit and knit. Hopefully soon I will get more pictures up and I will be able to visit the knit in group